Recent research: Grape Hyacinth (Muscari) Cooling and Forcing

Grape hyacinths have long been an interesting specialty potted plant. The bulbs are
produced in Holland end exported to North American forcers where they are planted,
cooled (or, cooled and planted) and forced for spring sales.

For many years, the armeniacum species (Muscari armeniacum) was the main, if only,
kind of grape hyacinth available. In more recent years there has been an explosion of
varieties available in Holland from the breeding work of a few dedicated groups. In
the North American market the main cultivars now are ‘Big Smile’ (an armeniacum
type) and a newer series, the “Magics”, comprised of ‘Blue Magic’ (traditional blue),
‘Ocean Magic’ (pale blue) and ‘White Magic’ (white).

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